Extract the Filesystem of a Container Image
Can you unpack the filesystem of a container image into a local directory?
Focused hands-on problems designed to help you hone your DevOps or Server Side skills. Some challenges are more educational, while others are based on real-world scenarios. The platform provides hints and feedback for each challenge, including automated solution checks.
Can you unpack the filesystem of a container image into a local directory?
Can you start a container using the default containerd CLI, ctr? Knowing how to use ctr may come in handy when you need to debug lower-level container issues.
Learn a bunch of Linux networking tricks while trying to access an Nginx server running inside a container started with `ctr` and a bare containerd daemon.
Learn how to extract files from container images with the ctr command-line client.
Learn how to label container images using the `ctr` command.
Learn how to pull container images from different registries using the ctr command.
Learn how to tag and push container images to a remote registry using the ctr command.
Learn a trick or two about container image labels and how to read them with ctr.
Learn a bunch of Linux networking tricks while trying to access an Nginx server running inside a Docker container with no published ports.
Can you find a way to execute a command in a Docker container using `ctr`?
Learn how to work with containerd namespaces using the ctr command-line client.