Challenge,Β Easy, Β onΒ  Containers

In this containerd challenge, you'll need to pull images from different container registries using the ctr command.

Container image name format visualized: registry domain, repository path, tag, and digest.

Let's start with a simple one - pull an nginx image from Docker Hub.

Hint 1 πŸ’‘

Unlike with the docker command, you can't just run ctr pull nginx. The ctr command has a subcommand for working with images. Try ctr image --help to see how to use it.

Hint 2 πŸ’‘

The ctr image pull command takes a fully-qualified image reference as an argument. The famous docker run nginx is actually a shorthand for docker run Try adapting this sacred knowledge to ctr image pull.

Docker Hub is not the only container registry supported by containerd. Let's try pulling an image from another source - Google Container Registry (GCR) - is a good candidate.

Hint 3 πŸ’‘

Getting a cryptic failed to resolve reference: object required error? Make sure you're using the fully-qualified image reference, including the tag!

To solidify your knowledge, let's try pulling an image from one more registry - the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). This time, you'll need to come up with the image example yourself.

Hint 4 πŸ’‘

A fully-qualified image reference consists of three parts: the registry domain, the repository path, and the tag. For example, in, the domain is, the repository path is distroless/static-debian12, and the tag is nonroot.

Hint 5 πŸ’‘

The GitHub Container Registry domain is

Hint 6 πŸ’‘

On GHCR, the image repository path is typically the same as the code repository path. For example, images of the project are hosted at

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