Challenge,Β Hard, Β onΒ  Containers,Β Programming

You are tasked with optimizing the container image for a FastAPI application. The application is a simple web service with a front page and a few API endpoints. The source code of the application is located in the ~/app directory, along with an initial Dockerfile.

You can use the make docker-build command to build the image and make docker-run to run the container. However, the current setup does not adhere to containerization best practices. Your goal is to improve the Dockerfile and create a production-ready container image.

Questions to ask yourself when composing an optimal container image.

Build a Docker image named that meets the following requirements:

  1. Base Image:
  • Use an optimal Python base image.
  1. Security:
  • The image must run as a non-root user.
  • Include only necessary packages and files.
  1. Performance:
  • The final image size must not exceed 200 MB.
  1. Runtime:
  • The container should not depend on poetry, uv, or the like package managers at runtime.
  • The application must:
    • Listen on
    • Include all assets from the app/static folder.
    • Serve APIs and static files correctly.
    • Serve the /image endpoint correctly.
  1. Testing:
  • Verify the application by running a container and checking the main page and the API handlers responses.

The final solution will be validated using automated checks. You can access dynamic hints from the checks by clicking the task box below.

Good luck! πŸš€

Hint 1 πŸ’‘

If you're new to Docker, you may want to solve this simpler challenge first: Build and Publish a Container Image With Docker

Hint 2 πŸ’‘

Python applications may depend on PyPI packages with modules written in C, C++, Rust, or other compiled languages. Some of these packages provide pre-compiled wheels for the most popular build targets, but not all of them. Thus, for pip install to succeed, you may need to have a full-blown compiler toolchain (or multiple toolchains!) installed in the image. However, this is not a good idea for production images because it increases the image size and the attack surface:

Single-stage Python image build: The resulting runtime image contains lots of unwanted build tools and dev dependencies.

To separate the build- and runtime dependencies, a multi-stage Docker build can be used:

Multi-stage Python image build: The build stage installs build tools and all dependencies, while the runtime stage only includes the production dependencies and shared libraries needed at runtime.

If you're not familiar with this technique, check out this tutorial on how to produce smaller container images with multi-stage builds.

Hint 3 πŸ’‘

Traditionally, Python virtual environments (venv) have been used to isolate a project's dependencies from system-wide Python packages and those installed by other projects. Since containers are inherently single-tenant, it might seem unnecessary to use virtual environments in containerized Python applications. However, that's not entirely true. A fully self-contained virtual environment, including all required dependencies, can serve as a convenient build artifact, making it easy to transfer from the build stage to the runtime stage.

Hint 4 πŸ’‘

When splitting a Dockerfile into multiple stages, you should carefully examine the shared libraries that are installed by the apt-get or the like command - some of them are only needed to build the application, while others might also be needed at runtime.


# Build stage
RUN apt-get install -y libcairo2 libcairo2-dev

# Runtime stage
RUN apt-get install -y libcairo2
Hint 5 πŸ’‘

One of the tricky parts when containerizing a Python application is choosing the right base image for the runtime stage. You can find many variants of Python base images, but not all of them are suitable for production use:

  • python:latest, python:<ver>, python:<major>.<minor> should be avoided for production use.
  • python:<version>-slim is a good pragmatic choice for both build and runtime stages.
  • python:alpine can be a good choice but requires extra caution due to the musl vs. glibc compatibility issues.
  • ubuntu/python is an "alternative" minimal Python base image that uses a chiseled Ubuntu base.
  • is a good choice for highly-regulated and security-sensitive environments.
  • chainguard/python is another good "distroless" Python base image (but only the latest tag can be used for free).
python:3 image decomposed: Hundreds of megabytes of unnecessary build tools and dev-time dependencies.

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