KubeBlocks Tutorial 101 - Getting Started
Welcome to this KubeBlocks tutorial!
KubeBlocks is a Kubernetes Operator that allows you to deploy and manage databases and stateful applications seamlessly. With a strong emphasis on “Run Any Database on KubeBlocks,” you can effortlessly spin up popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, and more on your Kubernetes cluster.
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In this guide, you will:
- Install KubeBlocks and its command-line interface (CLI).
- Create and connect to a MySQL cluster.
Below is a quick overview of KubeBlocks’s architecture.

Let’s dive in!
1. Install the KubeBlocks CLI
First, install the KubeBlocks CLI tool to interact with KubeBlocks resources easily.
export KB_CLI_VERSION=v0.9.2
curl -fsSL https://kubeblocks.io/installer/install_cli.sh | bash -s $KB_CLI_VERSION
Once the installation completes, verify that the kbcli
command is available:
kbcli --help
You should see a help message listing available kbcli
2. Install KubeBlocks
This step merges the installation of CRDs, adding the KubeBlocks Helm repository, and installing KubeBlocks with Helm into a single procedure.
2.1. Install the KubeBlocks CRDs
Install the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) required by KubeBlocks. These CRDs define the additional Kubernetes objects that KubeBlocks will manage (e.g., database clusters).
export KB_VERSION=v0.9.2
kubectl create -f https://github.com/apecloud/kubeblocks/releases/download/$KB_VERSION/kubeblocks_crds.yaml
2.2. Add the KubeBlocks Helm Repository
Before installing KubeBlocks itself, add the official Helm repository and update your local Helm cache:
helm repo add kubeblocks https://apecloud.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
2.3. Install KubeBlocks with Helm
You’re now ready to install KubeBlocks:
helm -n kb-system install kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.2 \
--set image.registry=docker.io \
--set dataProtection.image.registry=docker.io \
--set addonChartsImage.registry=docker.io \
This command:
- Creates a new namespace called kb-system (if it doesn’t exist).
- Installs the KubeBlocks operator and required services into your cluster.
Once the installation finishes, check the status of the newly created Pods:
kubectl get pods -n kb-system
Within a few minutes, you should see KubeBlocks-related Pods in a Running status.
3. Deploy a MySQL Cluster
Now that KubeBlocks is installed, let’s see it in action by deploying a MySQL cluster.
3.1. Create the MySQL Cluster
Use the following YAML to create a MySQL cluster named mycluster in the demo
namespace, with minimal CPU and memory:
kubectl create namespace demo
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps.kubeblocks.io/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
name: mycluster
namespace: demo
clusterDefinitionRef: mysql
clusterVersionRef: mysql-8.0.33
terminationPolicy: Delete
podAntiAffinity: Preferred
- kubernetes.io/hostname
- key: kb-data
operator: Equal
value: 'true'
effect: NoSchedule
- name: mysql
componentDefRef: mysql
- error
- slow
disableExporter: true
replicas: 1
serviceAccountName: kb-mycluster
cpu: '0.5'
memory: 0.5Gi
cpu: '0.5'
memory: 0.5Gi
- name: data
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 20Gi
KubeBlocks will then spin up the necessary resources in your Kubernetes cluster.
Check the status of the Pods to see when they become ready:
kubectl get pods -n demo
After a few moments, you should see something like:
mycluster-mysql-0 4/4 Running 0 <some time>
3.2. Connect to the MySQL Cluster
To verify the database is available, wait for port 3306 to open on the MySQL Pod:
kubectl -n demo exec mycluster-mysql-0 -- sh -c 'until mysqladmin ping -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --silent; do echo "Waiting for MySQL on port 3306..." && sleep 5; done'
Once the above check succeeds, connect to the MySQL server directly:
kubectl -n demo exec -it mycluster-mysql-0 -- bash -c 'mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD'
You will then be greeted by a MySQL shell prompt. Congratulations, you are now connected to your new MySQL cluster running on KubeBlocks!
Hint 💡
- You can run the command below to get the
of the cluster:
kubectl get secrets mycluster-conn-credential -n demo -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 -d
kubectl get secrets mycluster-conn-credential -n demo -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
4. Manage Configuration Changes
KubeBlocks uses intelligent configuration management to apply parameter changes safely and efficiently.
- If a parameter supports dynamic reloading, the change is applied immediately with no downtime.
- If the parameter requires a restart, KubeBlocks automatically performs a graceful restart of the necessary components—ensuring minimal disruption to your database cluster.
4.1 View parameters
provides a series of commands to help you view, configure, and manage parameters.
- View the details of all the current configuration files.
kbcli cluster describe-config mycluster --show-detail -n demo
- View the user guide of a specified parameter.
kbcli cluster explain-config mycluster --param=innodb_buffer_pool_size --config-specs=mysql-replication-config -n demo
Explanation of Output 💡
component: mysql
template meta:
ConfigSpec: mysql-replication-config ComponentName: mysql ClusterName: mycluster
Configure Constraint:
Parameter Name: innodb_buffer_pool_size
Allowed Values: [5242880-18446744073709552000]
Scope: Global
Dynamic: true
Type: integer
Description: The size in bytes of the memory buffer innodb uses to cache data and indexes of its tables
- Allowed Values: It defines the valid value range of this parameter.
- Dynamic: The value of
inConfigure Constraint
defines how the parameter configuration takes effect. There are two different configuration strategies based on the effectiveness type of modified parameters, i.e. dynamic and static.- When
, it means the effectiveness type of parameters is dynamic and can be configured online. - When
, it means the effectiveness type of parameters is static and a pod restarting is required to make the configuration effective.
- When
- Description: It describes the parameter definition.
4.2 Configure parameters
The example below takes configuring max_connections
and innodb_buffer_pool_size
as an example.
- View the current values of
kbcli cluster connect mycluster -n demo
mysql> show variables like '%max_connections%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 83 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
mysql> show variables like '%innodb_buffer_pool_size%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 134217728 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
- Adjust the values of
kbcli cluster configure mycluster --set=max_connections=600,innodb_buffer_pool_size=512M -n demo
- Search the status of the parameter configuration.
kbcli cluster describe-ops $<Replace_With_OpsRequestName> -n demo
shows the overall status of the parameter configuration and Conditions
show the details.
Explanation of Output 💡
Name: mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 NameSpace: demo Cluster: mycluster Type: Reconfiguring
kbcli cluster configure mycluster --components=mysql --config-specs=mysql-replication-config --config-file=my.cnf --set innodb_buffer_pool_size=512M --set max_connections=600 --namespace=demo
Start Time: Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800
Completion Time: Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800
Duration: 2s
Status: Succeed
Progress: 2/2
Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800 WaitForProgressing WaitForProgressing True wait for the controller to process the OpsRequest: mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 in Cluster: mycluster
Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800 Validated ValidateOpsRequestPassed True OpsRequest: mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 is validated
Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800 Reconfigure ReconfigureStarted True Start to reconfigure in Cluster: mycluster, Component: mysql
Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800 Succeed OpsRequestProcessedSuccessfully True Successfully processed the OpsRequest: mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 in Cluster: mycluster
Warning Events: <none>
- Connect to the database to verify whether the parameters are configured as expected.
It takes about 30 seconds for the configuration to take effect because the kubelet requires some time to sync changes in the ConfigMap to the Pod's volume.
kbcli cluster connect mycluster -n demo
mysql> show variables like '%max_connections%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 600 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
mysql> show variables like '%innodb_buffer_pool_size%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 536870912 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Batch Configuration 💡
For your convenience, KubeBlocks offers a tool edit-config
to help you configure parameters in a bach.
kbcli cluster edit-config mycluster --config-spec=mysql-replication-config -n demo
- Since MySQL currently supports multiple templates, it is required to use
to specify a configuration template. You can runkbcli cluster describe-config mycluster -n demo
to view all template names. - If there are multiple components in a cluster, use
to specify a component.
4.3 View history and compare differences
After the configuration is completed, you can search the configuration history and compare the parameter differences.
View the parameter configuration history.
kbcli cluster describe-config mycluster -n demo
component: mysql
ConfigSpecs Meta:
mysql-replication-config my.cnf true oracle-mysql8.0-config-template oracle-mysql8.0-config-constraints mycluster-mysql-mysql-replication-config mysql mycluster
agamotto-configuration agamotto-config.yaml false mysql-agamotto-configuration mycluster-mysql-agamotto-configuration mysql mycluster
agamotto-configuration agamotto-config-with-proxy.yaml false mysql-agamotto-configuration mycluster-mysql-agamotto-configuration mysql mycluster
History modifications:
mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 mycluster mysql mysql-replication-config my.cnf Succeed syncDynamicReload 2/2 Jul 05,2024 19:00 UTC+0800 {"my.cnf":"{\"mysqld\":{\"innodb_buffer_pool_size\":\"512M\",\"max_connections\":\"600\"}}"}
mycluster-reconfiguring-x52fb mycluster mysql mysql-replication-config my.cnf Succeed syncDynamicReload 2/2 Jul 05,2024 19:04 UTC+0800 {"my.cnf":"{\"mysqld\":{\"max_connections\":\"1000\"}}"}
From the above results, there are two parameter modifications.
Compare these modifications to view the configured parameters and their different values for different versions.
kbcli cluster diff-config mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 mycluster-reconfiguring-x9zsf -n demo
ConfigFile: my.cnf TemplateName: mysql-replication-config ComponentName: mysql ClusterName: mycluster UpdateType: update
PARAMETERNAME mycluster-reconfiguring-pxs46 mycluster-reconfiguring-x9zsf
max_connections 600 2000
innodb_buffer_pool_size 512M 1G
You have successfully:
- Installed KubeBlocks on your Kubernetes cluster (CRDs, Helm repo, and Operator).
- Deployed a MySQL cluster.
- Connected to MySQL within the same cluster.
- Managed configuration changes for the MySQL cluster.
KubeBlocks provides a convenient way to run any database on Kubernetes with minimal friction, empowering you to standardize database operations in a cloud-native manner.
For more detailed usage and advanced configuration, check out the official KubeBlocks documentation. Enjoy your new, streamlined database management capabilities on Kubernetes!
What’s Next?
- Explore Other Databases: Try PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Qdrant, and more — all using the same KubeBlocks workflow you just learned.
- Dive into Advanced Capabilities: Move beyond basic deployments to explore higher Operator Capability Levels, including automated upgrades, backup and restore, self-healing, and more.
- Stay Tuned for the Next Tutorial: In our upcoming guide, we’ll tackle more complex scenarios and showcase how to leverage KubeBlocks’ features for production-grade operations.

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