Copy Container Images Like a Pro
Skill Path ( EasyMedium )

Copying a container image from one repository to another is a common DevOps task. Sometimes, it's necessary because the image is changing homes; other times, it's motivated by Docker Hub's aggressive rate limiting; and often, it's simply a matter of "mirroring" public images using the company's internal registry.

In simpler cases, this task can be accomplished with the classic docker pull + docker tag + docker push combo. In more complex scenarios, using specialized tools like crane, skopeo, or regctl may be more efficient. And for copying multi-platform images, understanding remote image composition is essential to getting the job done correctly.

This skill path starts with the basic single-platform/single-tag image copy case and gradually introduces more complex scenarios, such as multi-platform images and copying all image tags from one repository to another.

Have fun!

Container image name format visualized: registry domain, repository path, tag, and digest.

Challenge 1

When you have just one tag that supports only a single platform, the process of copying the image from one repository to another is pretty straightforward.

Solve this challenge to practice copying a single-platform container image from one repository to another using the most basic docker CLI commands.

🧙‍♂️ You shall not pass!

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