Challenge,ย Easy, ย onย  Containers

In this challenge, you'll practice running arbitrary commands using off-the-shelf container images.

When invoked without any arguments, the docker run redis command will start a redis server in a container. However, the redis image also includes the redis-cli executable, which can be used to interact with any Redis server instance (not necessarily the one running in the same container). This makes a redis container a handy way to run redis-cli without installing it on your machine. But only if you know how to override its default command ๐Ÿ˜‰

Run redis-cli with the --version flag in a redis container:

Hint 1 ๐Ÿ’ก

Docker designed containers in such a way that they can be run without any additional arguments by default. For instance, docker run redis will start a redis process in a container, because the redis image has a default redis-server command defined in its Dockerfile:

redis' Dockerfile
FROM ...some base image...
RUN ..install redis...

# Run the redis-server command by default
CMD ["redis-server"]

However, oftentimes container images include more than one executable file, and you may want to run a container using other than the default command and/or pass some arguments to it.

Luckily, the docker run command is flexible enough to support this:

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
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