Challenge,ย Easy, ย onย  Containers,ย Kubernetes

There is an Nginx Pod called web running in the default namespace. Whoever started it forgot to add the required nginx.conf file to its container. Your task is to copy the config file to the Pod without restarting it. After that, you will need to copy the nginx binary from the Pod to the host for further analysis by the security team.

  • You can access the Nginx server at Pod's IP address on port 80.
  • The correct config file is located on the host at ~/nginx.conf.
  • The config file in the Pod is located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in the server container.
  • Use kubectl exec web -- nginx -s reload to trigger a config reload.
  • The Nginx binary is located in the server container of the web Pod at /usr/sbin/nginx.
  • Copy the Nginx binary to the host at ~/nginx-bin.

Good luck!

Hint 1 ๐Ÿ’ก

It's an easy task - kubectl cp --help will help you out ๐Ÿ˜‰

Discussion:ย  Discord
Categories:ย Containers,ย Kubernetes

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