Challenge, Easy,  on  KubernetesNetworking

In this exercise, you will configure network policies to control traffic flow between two deployments in a Kubernetes cluster. You'll need to ensure specific pods can communicate based on their labels while blocking unauthorized traffic. Have fun!

Diagram showing desired network policy configuration between frontend and backend pods

First, create a namespace called "app":

Now, create two deployments in that namespace.

  1. Frontend:
    • Deployment "frontend" with 2 replicas running
    • Accessible on port 80
  2. Backend:
    • Deployment "backend" with 2 replicas running
    • Accessible on port 8000

Now, label the pods:

  1. All frontend pods should have: role=frontend
  2. All backend pods should have: tier=api
  3. Only one backend pod should have the additional label: role=backend
Hint 3 💡

Check the documentation for adding labels

Hint 4 💡
# Get the name of one backend pod
BACKEND_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n app -l app=backend -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Finally, create network policies to make sure:

  1. All frontend pods can send traffic to any backend pod with label tier=api on port 8000
  2. Only the backend pod with label role=backend can send traffic to frontend pods with label role=frontend on port 80
  3. All other traffic should be denied by default
Hint 5 💡

Create two network policies, one for the frontend => backend, and another from the backend => frontend. Here's the first one:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: frontend-to-backend
  namespace: app
      tier: api
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          role: frontend
    - port: 8000
      protocol: TCP
Discussion:  Discord
Categories: KubernetesNetworking

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