Challenge,Β Easy, Β onΒ  Kubernetes

In this exercise, you will upgrade a multi-node Kubernetes cluster from version 1.30 to version 1.31. You'll need to follow the standard upgrade procedure while ensuring cluster stability throughout the process. Let's begin!

kubeadm upgrade

First, upgrade kubeadm on the control plane node:

Hint 1 πŸ’‘

Follow the guide in the official docs.

Hint 2 πŸ’‘

If you need help adding the new minor version package repository, read these docs.

Next, upgrade the control plane:

Hint 3 πŸ’‘

You can follow the steps here

Next, upgrade the control plane components:

Hint 4 πŸ’‘

The steps to upgrade the components (kubelet and kubectl) are here.

Now, upgrade kubeadm on the worker nodes:

Hint 5 πŸ’‘

The process to upgrade each worker node is here.

Upgrade the worker node-02 itself:

Upgrade the worker node-03 itself:

Hint 6 πŸ’‘

Remember to run kubeadm upgrade node instead of kubeadm upgrade plan.

Upgrade the worker node components on node02:

Hint 7 πŸ’‘

Remember to restart the system-daemon and the kubelet

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart kubelet

Upgrade the worker node components on node03:

Hint 8 πŸ’‘

For each worker node, you can follow the steps here.

Finally, verify the cluster is healthy:

Hint 9 πŸ’‘

Verify cluster health with:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose'

Make sure all nodes are Ready and all pods are Running.

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Categories:Β Kubernetes
Tags:Β  #cka

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